Set this Filelink's transform_url to include the resize task
public function resize(int
$fit = 'clip',
$align = 'center']] )
The width in pixels to resize the image to. The range is 1 to 10000.
The height in pixels to resize the image to. The range is 1 to 10000.
clip, crop, scale, or max 'clip': Resizes the image to fit within the specified parameters without distorting, cropping, or changing the aspect ratio. 'crop': Resizes the image to fit the specified parameters exactly by removing any parts of the image that don't fit within the boundaries. 'scale': Resizes the image to fit the specified parameters exactly by scaling the image to the desired size. The aspect ratio of the image is not respected and the image can be distorted using this method. 'max': Resizes the image to fit within the parameters, but as opposed to 'clip' will not scale the image if the image is smaller than the output size.
Using align, you can choose the area of the image to focus on. Possible values: center, top, bottom, left, right, or faces You can also specify pairs e.g. align:[top,left]. Center cannot be used in pairs.