Set this Filelink's transform_url to include the rotate task
public function rotate([string
$background = 'white',
$deg = 0,
$exif = false]]] )
Sets the background color to display behind the image. This can be the word for a color, or the hex color code, e.g. ('red' or 'FF0000')
The degree by which to rotate the image clockwise (0 to 359). Alternatively, you can set the degree to 'exif' and the image will be rotated based upon any exif metadata it may contain.
Sets the EXIF orientation of the image to EXIF orientation 1. The exif=false parameter takes an image and sets the exif orientation to the first of the eight EXIF orientations. The image will behave as though it is contained in an html img tag if displayed in application that supports EXIF orientations.