Convert audio file from url or filelink handle to another format. To see which format can be converted, see:
public function convertFile(string
$options = ] )
url or file handle
The format to which you would like to convert the file. e.g (doc, docx, html, jpg, ods, odt, pdf, png, svg, txt, webp)
Array of options. background: Set a background color when converting transparent .png files into other file types. Can be a word or hex value, e.g. ('white' or 'FFFFFF') colorspace: RGB, CMYK or Input By default we convert all the images to the RGB color model in order to be web friendly. However, we have added an option to preserve the original colorspace. This will work for * JPEGs and TIFFs. compress: (bool) You can take advantage of Filestack's image compression which utilizes JPEGtran and OptiPNG. The value for this parameter is boolean. If you want to compress your image then the value should be true. Compression is off/false by default. density: (int, 1 to 500). You can adjust the density when converting documents like PowerPoint, PDF, AI and EPS files to image formats like JPG or PNG. This can improve the resolution of the output image. docinfo: (bool) Set this to true to get information about a document, such as the number of pages and the dimensions of the file. page: (int, 1 to 10000) If you are converting a file that contains multiple pages such as PDF or powerpoint file, you can extract a specific page using the page parameter. pageformat: set the page size used for the layout of the resultant document. This parameter can be used when converting the format of one document into PDF, PNG, or JPG. Possible values: 'A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'B4','B5', 'letter', 'legal', 'tabloid' pageorientation: portrait or landscape determine the orientation of the resulting document. This parameter can be used when converting the format of one document into PDF, PNG, or JPG. quality: (int, 1 to 100, or 'input') You can change the quality (and reduce the file size) of JPEG images by using the quality parameter. The quality is set to 100 by default. A quality setting of 80 provides a nice balance between file size reduction and image quality. If the quality is instead set to "input" the image will not be recompressed and the input compression level of the jpg will be used. secure: (bool) This parameter applies to conversions of HTML and SVG sources. When the secure parameter is set to true, the HTML or SVG file will be stripped of any insecure tags (HTML sanitization). Default setting is false. strip: (bool) Set to true to remove any metadata embedded in an image.