Interface PickerFileMetadata


  • PickerFileMetadata


container?: string

The cloud container for the uploaded file.

cropped?: PickerCroppedData

Position and size information for cropped images.

filename: string

Name of the file.

handle: string

Filestack handle for the uploaded file.

key?: string

The hash-prefixed cloud storage path.

mimetype: string

The MIME type of the file.

originalFile?: object | File

Properties of the local binary file. Also see the pick option exposeOriginalFile if you want the underlying File object.

originalPath: string

The origin of the file, e.g. /Folder/file.jpg.

rotated?: PickerRotatedData

Direction and value information for rotated images.

size: number

Size in bytes of the uploaded file.

source: string

The source from where the file was picked.

status?: string

Indicates Filestack transit status.

uploadId: string

A uuid for tracking this file in callbacks.

url: string

The Filestack CDN URL for the uploaded file.