Interface UploadOptions


  • UploadOptions


altText?: string
concurrency?: number

Maximum amount of part jobs to run concurrently. Default is 3.

disableIntegrityCheck?: boolean

Disable checking integrity of uploaded files. On slower devices it can boost upload performance (disable counting md5 from file parts)

intelligent?: boolean | "fallback"

Enable/disable intelligent ingestion. If truthy then intelligent ingestion must be enabled in your Filestack application. Passing true/false toggles the global intelligent flow (all parts are chunked and committed). Passing 'fallback' will only use FII when network conditions may require it (only failing parts will be chunked).

intelligentChunkSize?: number

Set the default intiial chunk size for Intelligent Ingestion. Defaults to 8MB on desktop and 1MB on mobile.

onProgress?: ((evt: FSProgressEvent) => void)

Type declaration

    • (evt: FSProgressEvent): void
    • Callback for progress events.


      • evt: FSProgressEvent

      Returns void

onRetry?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Callback for retry events.

      Returns void

partSize?: number

Maximum size for file slices. Is overridden when intelligent=true. Default is 6 * 1024 * 1024 (6MB).

progressInterval?: number

How often to report progress. Default is 1000 (in milliseconds).

retry?: number

Retry limit. Default is 10.

retryFactor?: number

Factor for exponential backoff on server errors. Default is 2.

retryMaxTime?: number

Upper bound for exponential backoff. Default is 15000.

tags?: UploadTags

Define upload tags to be passed to webhook



timeout?: number

Timeout for network requests. Default is 120000.