Interface PickerOptions


  • PickerOptions


accept?: string | string[]

Restrict file types that are allowed to be picked. Formats accepted:

  • .pdf <- any file extension
  • image/jpeg <- any mime type commonly known by browsers
  • image/* <- accept all types of images
  • video/* <- accept all types of video files
  • audio/* <- accept all types of audio files
  • application/* <- accept all types of application files
  • text/* <- accept all types of text files
acceptFn?: ((PickerFileMetadata: any, PickerAcceptFnOptions: any) => Promise<string>)

Type declaration

    • (PickerFileMetadata: any, PickerAcceptFnOptions: any): Promise<string>
    • Custom accept check function

      acceptFn: (file, options) => {
      return options.mimeFromMagicBytes(file.originalFile).then((res) => { // we can check mimetype from magic bytes
      //console.log(options.mimeFromExtension(; // or check extension from filestack extensions database
      // throw new Error('Cannot accept that file') // we can throw exception to block file upload
      // return Promise.reject('Cannot accept that file'') // or reject a promise
      return Promise.resolve();


      • PickerFileMetadata: any
      • PickerAcceptFnOptions: any

      Returns Promise<string>

allowManualRetry?: boolean

Prevent modal close on upload failure and allow users to retry.

cleanupImageExif?: boolean | {
    keepICCandAPP?: boolean;
    keepOrientation?: boolean;

Turn on cleaning JPEG image exif. Method can keep image orientation or color profiles

cleanupImageExif: {
keepOrientation: true
keepICCandAPP: true
concurrency?: number

Max number of files to upload concurrently. Default is 4.

container?: string | Node

Container where picker should be appended. Only relevant for inline and dropPane display modes.

customAuthText?: CustomAuthTextOptions

Customize the text on the cloud authentication screen in Picker. Use a cloud source name (see fromSources) or a 'default' as a key, then put your custom notice or consent to the 'top' or the 'bottom' key to show it respectivly above or under 'Connect button'.

customAuthText: {
// use it for every cloud authentication screen
default: {
top: [
'default top first line',
'default top second line'
bottom: [
'default bottom first line',
'default bottom second line'
// override a default bottom text for only gmail
gmail: {
bottom: [
'We need your permission to access your data and',
'process it with our machine learning system.'
customSourceContainer?: string

Set the default container for your custom source.

customSourceName?: string

Set the display name for the custom source.

customSourcePath?: string

Set the default path for your custom source container.

customText?: PickerCustomText

Provide an object for mapping picker strings to your own strings. Strings surrounded by brackets, { foobar }, are interpolated with runtime values. Source labels are also available to override, e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, etc.

disableStorageKey?: boolean

When true removes the hash prefix on stored files.

disableThumbnails?: boolean

Disables local image thumbnail previews in the summary screen.

disableTransformer?: boolean

When true removes ability to edit images.

displayMode?: PickerDisplayMode

Picker display mode, one of 'inline', 'overlay', 'dropPane' - default is 'overlay'.

dropPane?: PickerDropPaneOptions

Configure the drop pane behavior, i.e. when displayMode is dropPane.

errorsTimeout?: number

Timeout for error messages

exposeOriginalFile?: boolean

When true the originalFile metadata will be the actual File object instead of a POJO

fromSources?: string[]

Valid sources are:

  • local_file_system - Default
  • url - Default
  • imagesearch - Default
  • facebook - Default
  • instagram - Default
  • googledrive - Default
  • dropbox - Default
  • webcam - Uses device menu on mobile. Not currently supported in Safari and IE.
  • video - Uses device menu on mobile. Not currently supported in Safari and IE.
  • audio - Uses device menu on mobile. Not currently supported in Safari and IE.
  • box
  • github
  • gmail
  • googlephotos
  • onedrive
  • onedriveforbusiness
  • customsource - Configure this in your Filestack Dev Portal.
  • unsplash
globalDropZone?: boolean

Toggle the drop zone to be active on all views. Default is active only on local file source.

hideModalWhenUploading?: boolean

Hide the picker modal UI once uploading begins. Defaults to false.

imageDim?: [number, number]

Specify image dimensions. e.g. [800, 600]. Only for JPEG, PNG, and BMP files. Local and cropped images will be resized (upscaled or downscaled) to the specified dimensions before uploading. The original height to width ratio is maintained. To resize all images based on the width, set [width, null], e.g. [800, null]. For the height set [null, height], e.g. [null, 600].

imageMax?: [number, number]

Specify maximum image dimensions. e.g. [800, 600]. Only for JPEG, PNG, and BMP files. Images bigger than the specified dimensions will be resized to the maximum size while maintaining the original aspect ratio. The output will not be exactly 800x600 unless the imageMax matches the aspect ratio of the original image.

imageMin?: [number, number]

Specify minimum image dimensions. e.g. [800, 600]. Only for JPEG, PNG, and BMP files. Images smaller than the specified dimensions will be upscaled to the minimum size while maintaining the original aspect ratio. The output will not be exactly 800x600 unless the imageMin matches the aspect ratio of the original image.

lang?: string

Sets locale. Accepts: ca, da, de, en, es, fr, he, it, ja, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, sv, ru, vi, zh, tr

maxFiles?: number

Maximum number of files allowed to upload. Defaults to 1.

maxSize?: number

Restrict selected files to a maximum number of bytes. (e.g. 10 * 1024 * 1024 for 10MB limit).

minFiles?: number

Minimum number of files required to start uploading. Defaults to 1.

modalSize?: [number, number]

Specify [width, height] in pixels of the desktop modal.

Called when all uploads in a pick are cancelled.

onClose?: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Called when the UI is exited.

      Returns void

onFileCropped?: PickerFileCallback

Called when file is cropped in picker

onFileSelected?: PickerFileCallback

Called whenever user selects a file.


// Using to veto file selection
// If you throw any error in this function it will reject the file selection.
// The error message will be displayed to the user as an alert.
onFileSelected(file) {
if (file.size > 1000 * 1000) {
throw new Error('File too big, select something smaller than 1MB');

// Using to change selected file name
// NOTE: This currently only works for local uploads
onFileSelected(file) {
// It's important to return a new file by the end of this function.
return { ...file, name: 'foo' };

The callback function can also return a Promise to allow asynchronous validation logic. You can pass a file object to resolve for changing the file name, it will behave the same as when the file is returned from the non-async callback.

onFileSelected(file) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do something async
// Or reject the selection with reject()
onFileUploadCancel?: PickerFileCancelCallback

Called when a file upload has been canceled.

onFileUploadFailed?: PickerFileErrorCallback

Called when uploading a file fails.

onFileUploadFinished?: PickerFileCallback

Called when a file is done uploading.

onFileUploadProgress?: PickerFileProgressCallback

Called during multi-part upload progress events. Local files only.

onFileUploadStarted?: PickerFileWithTokenCallback

Called when a file begins uploading.

onOpen?: ((handle: PickerInstance) => void)

Type declaration

Called when all files have been uploaded.

onUploadStarted?: PickerUploadStartedCallback

Called when uploading starts (user initiates uploading).

pasteMode?: {
    pasteToFirstInViewPort?: boolean;
    pasteToFirstInstance?: boolean;

Specify which Picker instance should respond to paste event. By default only hovered instance responds to event.


If none instance is hovered take first picker instance fully visible in viewport


If none instance is hovered take first picker instance that is initialized

Paste To First In View Port

is checked first

Type declaration

  • Optional pasteToFirstInViewPort?: boolean
  • Optional pasteToFirstInstance?: boolean
rootId?: string

Define a unique id for the application mount point. May be useful for more advanced use cases. For example, if you wish to have more than one picker instance open at once, then each will need their own unique rootId.

Note: This option is ignored when displayMode is dropPane.

startUploadingWhenMaxFilesReached?: boolean

Whether to start uploading automatically when maxFiles is hit. Defaults to false.

storeTo?: PickerStoreOptions

Options for file storage.

supportEmail?: string

set support email to display in case of error

transformations?: PickerTransformationOptions

Specify options for images passed to the crop UI.

uploadConfig?: UploadOptions

Options for local file uploads.

uploadInBackground?: boolean

Start uploading immediately on file selection. Defaults to true.


The feature is can be enabled only if crop is disabled - disableTransformer: true

useSentryBreadcrumbs?: boolean

Use Sentry Breadcrumbs mechanism to log information about occured errors. It can override global objects like console, error etc. Defaults to true.

videoResolution?: string

Sets the resolution of recorded video. One of "320x240", "640x480" or "1280x720". Default is "640x480".

viewType?: "list" | "grid"

Default view type option for file browser

websearch?: object

Provide default text value for Image Search

websearch: {
predefinedText: 'Sample text'